কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সংক্ষেপ ও সংক্ষেপণের পুরো  নাম :




Sr. No.  Abbreviations  Full Form of Abbreviations


1(a). AAFI >−→ Amateur Athletics Federation of India

  1. (b) .  AAPSO >−→  Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity


  1. AASU >−→  All Assam Students Union
  2. ABM >−→  Anit-Ballistic Missile
  3. AC >−→  Altemate Current OR Air Conditioner
  4. ACC >−→  Ancillary Cadet Core
  5. AD >−→  Anno Domini (After the Death of Jesus)
  6. ADB >−→  Asian Development Bank
  7. AERE >−→  Atomic Energy Research Establishment
  8. AGOC  >−→ Astan Games Organization Committee
  9. AICC >−→  All India Congress Committee
  10. AICTE >−→ All India Council of Technical Education
  11. AIDS >−→  Acquired Immune-Deflciency Syndrome
  12. AIFF >−→ All India Football Federation
  13. AIIMS >−→  All India Institute of Medical Sciences
  14. AIL >−→  Aeronautics India Limited
  15. AIMPLB >−→  All India Muslim Personal Law Board
  16. AITUC >−→  All India Trade Union Congress
  17. ANC >−→  African National Congress
  18. APEC >−→  Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
  19. APSC >−→  Army Postal Services Corps
  20. ASEAN >−→   Association of South East Asian Nations
  21. ASLV >−→  Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
  22. ASI >−→  Archaeological Survey of India
  23. ASSOCHAM >−→  Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (India)
  24. ASWAC >−→  Airborne Surveillance Warning and Control
  25. BAMS >−→  Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
  26. BBC >−→  British Broadcasting Corporation
  27. BCG >−→  Bacillus Chalmette Guerin (Anit TB Vaccine)
  28. BCCI >−→  Board of Control for Cricket in India
  29. BENELUX >−→  Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg
  30. BHEL >−→  Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited
  31. BIFR >−→  Board of Industrial Finance and Reconstruction (Formerly Industrial Reconstruction Finance Board)
  32. BIMSTEC >−→ Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-sectoral Technical and Economic Co-operation.
  33. BIS >−→  Bureau of Indian Standards
  34. BRICS >−→  Brazil Russia India China South Africa
  35. CAD >−→  Command Area Development
  36. CAG >−→  Comptroller and Auditor General
  37. CARE >−→ Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere
  38. CASE >−→ Commission for Alternative Sources of Energy
  39. CBI >−→  Central Bureau of Investigation
  40. CBSE >−→  Central Board of Secondary Education
  41. CCEA >−→ Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
  42. CCS >−→  Cabinet Committee on Security
  43. CDMA >−→  Code Division Multiple Access
  44. C-DAC >−→  Centre For Development of Advance Computing.
  45. CDRI >−→   Central Drug Research Institute
  46. CHOMG >−→    Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
  47. CID >−→   Criminal Investigation Department
  48. CIS  >−→  Commonwealth of Independent States
  49. CISF >−→    Central Industrial Security Force
  50. CITU >−→   Centre of Indian Trade Unions
  51. CLAT >−→   Common Law Admission Test (Started May 2008)
  52. CNG >−→   Compressed Natural Gas
  53. COD >−→   Central Ordnance Depot
  54. COFEPOSA >−→   Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act
  55. CPO >−→   Central Passport Organization
  56. CPRI >−→   Central Power Research Institute
  57. CRPF >−→ Central Reserve Police Force
  58. CRR >−→   Cash Reserve Ratio
  59. CSIR >−→   Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
  60. CSO >−→   Central Statistical Office
  61. CTS >−→   Computerized Tomography Scanner/         Cheque Truncation System
  62. CVC >−→   Central Vigilance Commission
  63. DDT >−→   Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroetthane
  64. DFDR >−→    Digital Flight Data Recorder (Black Box)
  65. DIG >−→ Deputy Inspector General
  66. DNA >−→ Di-oxyribo-Nuclelc Acid
  67. DPAP >−→ Drought Prone Area Program
  68. DPC >−→ Dabhol Power Company
  69. DRDO >−→ Defence Research and Development Organization
  70. DTH >−→ Direct to Home
  71. DVD >−→ Digital Versatile Disk
  72. EAS >−→ Employment Assurance Scheme
  73. ECB >−→ European Central Bank
  74. ECG >−→ Electro Cardiogram
  75. EEC  >−→ European Economic Community
  76. EEG  >−→  Electro Encephalogram
  77. ELISA >−→ Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Assay
  78. EMF >−→ Electromotive Force
  79. EPABX >−→ Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange
  80. EPZ >−→ Export Processing Zone
  81. ERDA >−→ Energy Research and Development Administration
  82. EVM >−→ Electronic Voting Machine
  83. EXIM Bank >−→ Export-Import Bank of India
  84. ESMA >−→ Essential Services Maintenance Act
  85. FAO >−→ Food and Agriculture Organization
  86. FBI >−→ Federal Bureau of Investigation (USA)
  87. FBTR >−→ Fast Breeder Test Reactor
  88. FCI >−→ Food Corporation of India/Fertilizer Corporation of India
  89. FDR >−→   Flight Data Recorder (Black Box)
  90. FERA >−→ Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
  91. FEMA   >−→ Forcign Exchange Management Act
  92. FICCI >−→ Federation of India Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  93. FIPB  >−→ Foreign Investment Promotion Board
  94. FIR >−→ First Information Reprot
  95. FRS >−→ Fellow of the Royal Society
  96. FTII >−→ Films and Television Institute of India
  97. FTZ >−→ Free Trade Zone
  98. GAIL   >−→  Gas Authority of India Limited
  99. GATT >−→ General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 
  100. 102 GIC   >−→  General Insurance Corporation
  101. GMT >−→ Greenwich Mean Time
  102. GNLF  >−→ Gorkha National Liberation Front
  103. 105.GNP >−→   Gross National Product
  1. GPF >−→ General Provident Fund
  2. GPO >−→ General Post Office
  3. GPS >−→  Global Positioning System
  4. GSI  >−→ Geological Survey of India
  5. HAC >−→ Hindustan Aluminium Corporation
  6. HAL >−→ Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
  7. HCF  >−→ Highest Commnon Factor
  8. HDFC >−→ Housing Development Finance Corporation
  9. HIV >−→ Human-Immune-deficiency Virus
  10. HMT >−→ Hindustan Machine Tools
  11. HUDCO >−→ Housing and Urban Development Corporation
  12. HYVS >−→ High Yield Variety Seeds
  13. IAC >−→ Indian Airlines Corporation
  14. IAEA  >−→ International Atomic Energy Agency
  15. IARI >−→ Indian Agricultural Research Institute
  16. IBRD >−→ International Bank for Reconstruction and  Development (World Bank)
  17. ICAR >−→ Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  18. ICBM >−→ Inter-continental Ballistic Missile
  19. ICC >−→ International Cricket Council
  20. IAAI  >−→ International Airport Authority of India
  21. ICFTU >−→ International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
  22. ICICIL >−→ Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited
  23. ICJ >−→ International Court of Justice
  24. ICMR >−→ Indian Council of Medical Research
  25. ICSI >−→ Indian Company Secretaries Institute
  26. IDA >−→  International Development Agency
  27. IDBI >−→ Industrial Development Bank of India
  28. IDO >−→ International Defence Organization
  29. IDPL >−→ Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited
  30. IFA  >−→ Indian Football Association
  31. IFCI >−→ Industrial Finance Corporation of India
  32. IFFI >−→ International Film Festival of India
  33. IFFC >−→ Indian Farmers Fertilizers Cooperative
  34. IFTU >−→ International Federation of Trade Unions
  35. IIPA >−→ Indian Institute of Public Administration
  36. IIS >−→ Indian Institute of Sciences
  37. IISC >−→ Indian Iron and Steel Company
  38. IIT >−→ Indian Institute of Technology
  39. ILO >−→ International Labour Organization
  40. IMA >−→ Indian Military Academy
  41. IMF >−→ International Monetary Fund
  42. IGGCA >−→  Indira Gandht Gallery for Culture and Art
  43. INS >−→ Indian Naval Ship
  44. INS >−→ Indian National Satellite
  45. ITS >−→ International Telecommunication Satellite
  46. IPO >−→ International Police Organization
  47. INTUC >−→ Indian National Trade Union Congress
  48. IOC >−→ International Olympic Committee/Indian Oil Corporation
  49. IPC >−→ Indian Penal Code
  50. IPKF >−→ Indian Peace Keeping Force
  51. IQ  >−→ Intelligence Quotient
  52. IRBM >−→ Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
  53. IRC >−→  International Red Cross
  54. IRDA >−→ Insurance Regulatory Development Authority
  55. IRDP >−→ Integrated Rural Development Program
  56. ISB >−→ Indian Standard Bureau
  57. ISM >−→ Indain. School of Mines
  58. IOS >−→ International Organization for Standardization
  59. ISP >−→ Internet Services Provider
  60. ISRO >−→ Indian Space Research Organization
  61. IST >−→  Indian Standard Time
  62. ITBP >−→ Indo-Tibet Border Police
  63. ITDC >−→ Indian Tourism Development Corporation
  64. ITPO >−→ Indian Trade Promotion Organtzation
  65. ITO >−→ International Trade Organization
  66. IUCN >−→ International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resource
  67. ITUC >−→ Indian Trade Union Congress
  68. JMM  >−→ Jharkhand Mukti Morcha
  69. KG >−→ Kinder Garten
  70. LASER >−→ Light Amplification By Sumulated Emission of Rediation
  71. LICI >−→ Life Insurance Corporation of India
  72. LB >−→ Bachelor of Law
  73. LM >−→ Master of Law
  74. LMG >−→ Light Machine Gum
  75. LoC >−→  Line of Control (Pakistan)
  76. LoAC >−→ Line of Actual Control (China)
  77. LPG >−→   Liquefied Petroleum Gas
  78. LADA >−→  Lysergie acid diethyl amide
  79. LTTE  >−→ Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam
  80. MA >−→ Master of Arts
  81. MASER >−→  Microwave Amplification by Sumulated Emission of Radiation
  82. MBA >−→ Master of Business Administration
  83. MBBS >−→ Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
  84. MBT  >−→ Main Battle Tank
  85. MCA >−→  Monetary Compensatory Allowance
  86. MCC >−→     Melbourne  Cricket  Club
  87. MFN >−→ Most  Favoured Nation
  88. MI >−→ Military Inteligence
  89. MISA >−→ Maintenance of Internal Security Act
  90. MLA >−→ Member of Legislative Assembly
  91. MLC >−→   Member of Legislative Counet
  92. MNC >−→ Mulu National Corporation
  93. MIT >−→ Mechahusates Institute of Technology (USA)
  94. MRCP >−→ Member of Royal College of Physicians
  95. MRCS >−→ Member of Royal College of Surgeons
  96. MRTPC >−→ Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission
  97. MD >−→ Doctor of Medicine
  98. MCA >−→ Master of Computer Application
  99. MVAT >−→ Modified Value Added Tax
  100. NBARD >−→ National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development
  101. NACO >−→ National AIDS Control Organisation
  102. NAEP >−→ National AdulL Education Programme
  103. NAMF >−→ National Agricultural and Marketung Federation
  104. NAFTA >−→ North American Free Trade Agreement
  105. NAPP >−→ Narora Atomic Power Plant
  106. NASA >−→ National Aeronautics and Space Administration (VSn)
  107. NASDAU >−→ National Association of Security Dealer’s Active uonmono
  108. NASSC >−→ National Association of Software & Service Companies
  109. NATO  >−→ North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  110. NCW >−→ National Commission for Women
  111. NCCR >−→ National Council for Civil Right
  112. NCERT >−→  National Council of Educational Research & Training
  113. NDA >−→ National Defence Academy
  114. NDDB >−→ National Dairy Development Board
  115. NDF >−→ National Defence Fund
  116. NERRI >−→ National Environment Engineering Research Institute
  117. NEFA >−→ North East Frontier Agency
  118. NEPA >−→ National Environment Protection Authority
  119. NFDC >−→ National Film Development Corporation
  120. NFL >−→ National Fertulizer Limited
  121. NHRC  >−→ National Human Rights Commission
  122. NICO >−→ New Information and Communication Order
  123. NIDC >−→ National Industrial Development Corporation
  124. NIIT >−→ National Institute of Information Technology
  125. NIMHANS >−→ National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro- Sciences
  126. NITIE >−→ National Institute for Training in Industrial Engineering
  127. NMDS >−→ National Missile Defence System (US)
  128. NMEP >−→ National Malaria Eradication Program
  129. NOIDA >−→ New Okhla Industrial Development Authority
  130. NPC >−→ National Productivity Council
  131. NPP >−→ National Population Policy
  132. NNPT >−→ Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
  133. NRDC >−→ National Research and Development Corporation
  134. NREGS >−→   National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
  135. NRI >−→ Non Resident Indian
  136. NSC >−→ National Security Council
  137. NSSO >−→ National Sample Survey Organization
  138. NTC >−→ National Textile Corporation
  139. NTPC >−→ National Thermal Power Corporation
  140. OGL >−→ Open General Licence
  141. OIL >−→ Oil India Limited
  142. AC >−→ All Correct
  143. ONGC >−→ OIl and Natural Gas Commission
  144. OPEC >−→ Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
  145. PCI >−→ Press Council of India
  146. PCS >−→ Provincial Civil Services
  147. Ph.D. >−→ Doctor of Philosophy
  148. PIN >−→ Postal Index Number
  149. PLO >−→ Palestine Liberation Organization
  150. PM >−→ Post Meridian/Prime Minister
  151. POTA >−→ Prevention of Terrorism Act
  152. PRO >−→ Public Relations Officer
  153. PSLV >−→ Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
  154. PTI  >−→ Press Trust of India
  155. PTO >−→ Please Turn Over
  156. PVC >−→ Poly Vinyl Chloride/Paramvir Chakra
  157. PVSM >−→ Param Vishisht Seva Medal
  158. PWD >−→ Public Work’s Department
  159. PWG >−→ People’s War Group
  160. QED >−→ Quod Erat Demonstrandum (Which was to be proved)
  161. QEF >−→ Quod Erat Faciendum (Which was to be done)
  162. QEI >−→ Quod Erat  Inveniendum (Which was to be found)
  163. QMG >−→ Quarter Master General
  164. RADAR >−→ Radio Angle Direction and Range
  165. RAW >−→   Research and Analysis Wing
  166. R&D >−→ Research and Development
  167. RBI >−→ Reserve Bank of India
  168. RCC >−→ Reinforced Cement Concrete
  169. RDE >−→   Research Developed Explosive
  170. RIMC >−→ Rashtriya Indian Military College
  171. RMS >−→ Railway Mail Service
  172. RLEGP >−→ Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Program
  173. RA >−→  Ribonucleic Acid
  174. RPM >−→ Revolutions Per Minute
  175. RSS >−→ Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
  176. RTO >−→ Regional Transport Officer
  177. SAARC >−→ South Astan Association for Regional Cooperation
  178. SAC  >−→ Space Applicaton Centre
  179. SAFTA >−→ South Asian Free Trade Agreement
  180. SAI >−→ Sports Authority of India
  181. SAIL >−→ Steel Authority of India Limited
  182. SAPTA >−→ South Asian Preferential Trade Arrangement
  183. SARS >−→ Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  184. SC >−→ Security Council/Supreme Court
  185. SCI >−→ Shipping Corporation of India
  186. SCOPE >−→ Standing Conference of Public Enterprises
  187. SCRA >−→ Special Class Rallway Apprentice
  188. SDR >−→ Special Drawing Rights
  189. SEBI >−→ Security Exchange Board of India
  190. SGPC >−→ Siromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee
  191. SHR >−→ Shri Harikota Range
  192. SIDBI >−→ Small Industries Development Bank of India
  193. SIS >−→ Secret Intelligence Service (UK)
  194. SITWG >−→ Suppression of Immoral Trafflc in Women and Girls
  195. SLV >−→ Satellite Launch Vehicle
  196. SPCA >−→ Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  197. SPICMCS >−→ Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Satellite
  198. TRSS >−→ Tracking and Ranging Station Subscribers
  199. TDS >−→ Trunk Dialing Software
  200. TPI >−→ Technology Parks of India
  201. SWAPO >−→  South West African People’s Organization
  202. TA >−→    Travelling Allowance/Territorial Army
  203. TELCO >−→ Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company
  204. TE >−→ Teleprinter  Exchange
  205. TISCL >−→ Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited
  206. TNT >−→ Tri-nitro-toluene
  207. TOEFL >−→ Test of English as a Foreign Language
  208. TRAI >−→ Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
  209. TRIPR >−→ Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
  210. TTE >−→ Travelling Ticket Examiner
  211. TTFI >−→ Table Tennis Federation of India
  212. TWA >−→ Trans World Airlines (USA)
  213. UDC >−→ Upper Division Clerk
  214. UGC >−→ University Grants Commission
  215. UHT >−→ Ultra High Temperature
  216. ULFA >−→ United Liberation Front of Assam
  217. USAN >−→ Union of South American Nations
  218. UNCTAD >−→ United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  219. UNDP >−→ United Nations Development Programme
  220. UNEF >−→ United Nations Emergency Force
  221. UNEP >−→ United Nations Environment Programme
  222. UNESCO >−→ United Nations Economic Social and Cultural Organization
  223. UNFPA >−→ United Nations for Population Activites
  224. UNHCR >−→ United Nations High Commission for Refugees
  225. UNI >−→ United News of India
  226. UNICEF >−→   United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
  227. UNO  >−→   United Nations Organization
  228. UPS >−→ Uninterrupted Power Supply
  229. UPSC >−→ Union Public Service Commission
  230. USSR >−→ Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
  231. UTI >−→ Unit Trust of India
  232. VAT >−→ Value Added Tax
  233. VDIS >−→ Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme
  234. VC >−→ Vice-Chancellor/Victoria Cross
  235. VIP >−→ Very Important Person
  236. VPP >−→ Value Payable Post
  237. VRS >−→ Voluntary Retirement Scheme
  238. VSNL >−→ Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
  239. VSSC >−→ Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
  240. WEF >−→  World Economic Forum
  241. WHO >−→ World Health Organization
  242. WILL >−→ Wireless in Local Loop
  243. WMO >−→ World Meteorological Organization
  244. WWF >−→ World Wild Life Fund
  245. WPI >−→ Wholesale Price Index
  246. WTO >−→ World Trade Organization
  247. WWLFN >−→ World Wild Life Fund for Nature
  248. WWW >−→ World Wide Web
  249. YMCA >−→ Young Men’s Christians Association
  250. YWCA >−→ Young Women’s Christians Association
  251. ZBB >−→ Zero Based Budgeting
  252. ZSI >−→ Zoological Survey of India
  253. OK >−→ All Correct .